這個星期四, 十二月十七日在小河岸留言(公館)演出。

星期五, 十二月十八日上 Hit FM DJ Elsa 的 Live 專訪(晚上七點)...


今天去新聞局交CD, 史小姐貼心的問:「應該忙著宣傳吧!」
如果說「還好, 也沒有」, 聽起來好像這個樂團不怎麼努力。
難道出一張唱片, 大家要停止呼吸, 地球停止運轉?

看著圈內做創作音樂的朋友, 或線上偶像歌手, 其實大家都很辛苦。
大家你爭我奪, 爭取好感。
仔細想一想, 跟別的歌手比起來, 我們的步調可以說, 非常的「安靜」了。

一天一個通告, 算很慵懶了!
但是因為要練團還是感覺一陣慌亂, 並且自己的時間操控權居然短時間內消失, 更是一種奇怪的沒安全感。

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昨天剛從香港回來, 幫Coco配唱製作了兩首快歌。

正好又快聖誕節, 還是要買禮物吧?


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(...) Sometimes I dislike women, I dislike us all, because of our capacity for not-thinking when it suits us; we choose not to think when we are reaching out for happiness. (...)


13 A Short Novel, To Be Called "THE MAN WHO IS FREE OF WOMEN"

A man about fifty, a bachelor, or perhaps was married for a short time, his wife died, or he got divorced. If an American, he is divorced, but if English, he has this wife tucked away somewhere, he might even live with her or share a house, but without real emotional contact. At fifty, he has had a couple of dozen affairs, three or four serious. These serious affairs were with women who hoped to marry him, they lingered on, in what were really marriages without formal ties, he broke the affairs off at the point where he had to marry them. At fifty he is dry, anxious about his sexuality, has five or six women friends, all ex-mistresses, now married. He is cuckoo in half a dozen families, the old family friend. He is like a child, dependant on women, gets vaguer and more inefficient, is always ringing up some women to do something for him. Outwardly a dapper, ironic intelligent man, making an impression on younger women, then turns to the older women who fulfil the function of kindly nannies or nursemaid.



Does that mean despite how free we want to be, women will always seek happiness in a man, and a man "a mother" in every women?

Shoot! How depressing is that?!

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