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Sleeping beauty, snow white, etc….

聽說女生到某個年齡層次, 一定會有一段「公主期」. (大概三歲到七歲的時候最明顯)
Being girly and proud of it!
ㄆㄥ裙, 粉紅色, hello kitty, 指夾油, 當新娘子…. 好比很自然的, 無意識的, 每個小女生暗中都希望有一天, 能當一個發光的星星. 所謂「當公主」, 並不只是辭義上國王皇后的下一代, 一定要很有錢, 擁有一個國度還有超時空的美貌… 而是感覺到「被需要」, 或當那個「特別的人」. 如同魔戒的The “Precious”, 那個人人都想要的戒指. 即使少數對這一切沒有特別感覺的, 也要無形中被一堆童話故事催眠. 睡美人、白雪公主、美人魚、天鵝湖….等等, 等等, 等等. 每一個故事都千篇一律, saved by the prince charming, 公主遇見白馬王子, 然後一切天下太平, 幸福美滿.
好萊塢更將這個「公主文化」極致的美化在現實生活, 大家也知道, 每個出名的好萊塢明星, 一定要拍一部動人的浪漫喜劇, 才能在國際市場上名氣大增.

很不幸的, 這樣的故事養育了一批「芭比娃娃」族. 她們的培養過程如同軍隊一樣嚴厲. 一切就為了找到能滿足她們物質上所需求的金主. 在模特兒們還沒被明星化的時代, 誰會在作文篇裡寫; 「我將來長大要當名媛」…. 
幸好, 法國電影Hors de Prix(「巴黎拜金女」)把Audrey Tautou孩子氣的任性回歸正題.
還是愛情比較重要…. 況且在劇中, 她找到的也不是一個那麼爛的「白馬王子」.
Sex and the city 「慾望城市」裡的女主角們的愛情就沒那麼快樂美滿, 輪到 Desperate housewives 「慾望師奶」, 真相大白就帶有一點酸味…. 事實就是, 有錢的老公通常很少在家. 相對的, 不被寵壞的金少爺們也少之又少.

令人困惑的是, 女人的價值有太多焦點; 朋友、性伴侶兼當媽、相等於跑車的收藏品、秘書、甚至寵物….種種變相, 難怪男人永遠不知道要怎麼選.
正在戀愛中的女性們, 「羅馬假期」是不能永遠的!
雖然這不是什麼祕密, 可是事情到了關頭, 很多人還是不能接受事實. 典型的 ”it won’t happen to me” mentality.

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還是聽一下Sigur Ros, natural high,我最愛...

FLOW: the psychology of optimal experience (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)
Chapter 6, the flow of thought
The rules of the games of mind

(...)" When a person has learned  a symbolic system well enough to use it,  she has established a portable self-contained world within the mind."

" Sometimes having control over such an  internalized symbol system can save one's life. It has been claimed, for instance,  that  the reason there are more poets per capita in Iceland than in any other country of the world is that reciting the sagas became a way for the Icelanders to keep their consciousness ordered in an environment exceedingly hostile to human existence. For centuries the Icelanders have not only preserved in memory but also added new verses to the epics chronicling the deeds of their ancestors. Isolated in the freezing night, they used to chant their poems huddled around fires in precarious huts, while outside the winds of interminable arctic winters howled. If the Icelanders had spent all those nights in silence listening to the mocking wind, their minds would have soon filled with dread and despair. By mastering the orderly cadence of meter and rhyme, and encasing the events of their own lives in verbal images, they succeeded instead in taking control of their experiences. In the face of chaotic snowstorms they created songs with form and meaning.  (...)"

" Let us hope none of us will be forced to call upon symbolic skills to survive concentration camps or arctic ordeals. But having a portable set of rules that the mind can work with is great benefit even in normal life. People without an internalized symbolic system can all too easily become captives of the media. They are easily manipulated by demagogues, pacified by entertainers, and exploited by anyone who has something to sell. If we have become dependent on television, on drugs, and on facile calls to political or religious salvation, it is because we have so little to fall back on, so few internal rules to keep our mind from being taken over by those who claim to have the answers. Without the capacity to provide its own information, the mind drifts into randomness. It is within each person's power to decide whether its order will be restored from the outside, in ways over which we have no control, or whether the order will be the result of an internal pattern that grows organically from our skills and knowledge."

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Forever is composed of nows
(Emily Dickinson)

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